Sports Research - Sweet Sweat® Jar

促銷價$63.95 原價$94.95
省下 $31.00

Size: 13.5 oz (383g)
Scent: Original

Sweat Earlier, Sweat Harder

Apply an ample amount to the skin before exercise, and with your elevated heart rate, Sweet Sweat will begin to activate - promoting an additional increase in circulation to areas applied.

Choose From 2 Fresh Scents

Our Sweet Sweat 13.5 oz Jar comes in 2 fresh scents - Original, Coconut and we have an Unscented version for those sensitive to added fragrances. Combine Sweet Sweat gel with our best-selling Trimmer line for an enhanced sweating experience. Sweet Sweat is an Official Partner of UFC®.

Sweat Earlier, Sweat Harder

Apply an ample amount to the skin before exercise, and with your elevated heart rate, Sweet Sweat will begin to activate - promoting an additional increase in circulation to areas applied.

Choose From 2 Fresh Scents

Our Sweet Sweat 13.5 oz Jar comes in 2 fresh scents - Original, Coconut and we have an Unscented version for those sensitive to added fragrances. Combine Sweet Sweat gel with our best-selling Trimmer line for an enhanced sweating experience. Sweet Sweat is an Official Partner of UFC®.

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