Natural Stacks - Dopamine Brain Food™

Supports focus, reduces brain fog, and improves mental clarity.*

Prix de vente$63.95

Size: 60 Veggie Capsules

Synergistic Ingredients

Vitamin B6 helps convert L-Dopa into dopamine and Vitamin C helps convert dopamine into norepinephrine (increasing alertness and attention).* Each of these also have important antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage during the production and metabolism of dopamine.*Vitamin B12 supports healthy nerves and neural cell function.* A 2006 review of the roles of folate and Vitamin B12 and their impact on the nervous system highlighted the importance of adequate B12 levels for healthy neuronal function. [3]* The same 2013 study mentioned above shows that Vitamin B12 is crucial for the maintenance of normal, healthy cognitive function and memory recall through one’s lifespan. [4]*Vitamin C helps convert dopamine into norepinephrine (increasing alertness and attention).* Each of these also have important antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage during the production and metabolism of dopamine.*

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