Curly hair can easily experience dryness, breakages, and can be incredibly difficult to manage. In order to avoid hair problems, pay attention to these curly hair tips!

Salon Hacks You Can Try At Home
Why spend all that time and money sitting in a salon chair. Instead, try these salon hacks you can do in the comfort of your own home!

5 Recommended Hairstyles for Thin Hair
No need to drive yourself up the wall trying to make your hair look thick. There are many ways to give an illusion! Let’s take a peek at some hair-spirations!

Everyday Hairstyling Causing Hair Damage? Says Who!
Hairdryer, straightener or curlers are unavoidable in this day and age but there are still ways for you to combat damage from everyday hairstyling.

Is It True That The Sun Can Damage Your Hair?
We're used to protecting our face and skin from the dangers of the sun, but did you know our hair also needs sun protection as well? Find out why!

Blow-dry and straighten your hair often but still not too fussed about hair care? Be wary if you're still practicing this, as premature ageing can also happen to hair!

This is Why Your Hair Needs Argan Oil!
Do you often hear about the benefits of argan oil for your skin and face? Well, it also has many benefits when it comes to hair too!

4 Myths About Hair. True or False?
Have you heard the myth that pulling out a grey hair will only trigger another to grow? Let's see what other hair myths are true and which can be debunked.