Post-Workout Mocktail (feat. Creatine)

Post-Workout Mocktail (feat. Creatine)

Are You Hydrated?


Hydration is one of the most important factors to keep your body functioning correctly and in good shape, especially after a long workout. Drinking plain water, however, can be boring and hard to drink, which is where infused waters or refreshing mixture recipes using healthy and natural ingredients come in handy. 

A Recovery-Boosting Recipe

Recently, I started adding one scoop of Sports Research® Creatine Monohydrate to my favorite drinks for 5 grams of lean muscle gain, performance, and workout recovery support.* It’s quickly become my current personal favorite post-workout beverage thanks to these benefits. 

This hydrating mocktail recipe combines the performance-boosting power of Creatine with mineral water, lemon, and Celtic Sea Salt for added trace minerals and electrolytes.



6-8 oz Sparkling Mineral Water

1 scoop Sports Research® Creatine Monohydrate

1 Lemon, juiced 

Celtic Sea Salt 

Handful of Ice


1. Rub the lemon wedge around the rim of a glass, then dip the juice-coated rim into the salt to coat all sides. 

2. Pour in the sparkling water, one scoop of Creatine Monohydrate, and the juice of a lemon, and stir. 

3. Add ice, and enjoy! 

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