EuroVital - 孕烯醇酮,50 毫克,60 粒 V 粒膠囊
Rejuvenates skin and supports well-being*
• 所有其他荷爾蒙的前驅物
• 刺激記憶儲存過程
• 促進荷爾蒙平衡
• 增加幸福感並改善情緒
• 減少壓力的破壞性影響
• 由微粉化孕烯醇酮製成
孕烯醇酮是其他荷爾蒙的前驅物,包括脫氫表雄酮 (DHEA) 和黃體酮。有人認為孕烯醇酮在體內的作用是充當「類固醇母體」(前驅激素)。孕烯醇酮對神經系統的許多影響已被研究。
•睡眠與記憶:大鼠研究顯示其具有強大的記憶增強作用,遠超過其他神經活性物質。研究發現,20 至 30 歲的健康男性服用孕烯醇酮(每天 1 毫克)可以改善睡眠品質並減少間歇性覺醒。孕烯醇酮也被證明可以影響工作、短期和長期記憶,並可能導致學習新資訊的動力增加,並提高獲得新知識的能力。
•壓力:有人認為這種荷爾蒙可能在神經內分泌對壓力的反應中發揮作用。在一項針對承受壓力的飛機飛行員的研究中,服用孕烯醇酮(25 毫克,每天兩次)可改善表現,且不會引起不良副作用。在一項對大鼠壓力反應的研究中,觀察到服用孕烯醇酮後焦慮感增加。研究人員認為,這是在壓力時期的有益反應,並且是透過神經系統啟動的。
腎上腺和中樞神經系統的細胞合成孕烯醇酮。人體研究表明,神經組織中孕烯醇酮的濃度比血液中高得多。動物研究表明,大腦中孕烯醇酮的濃度比其他與壓力相關的荷爾蒙(包括 DHEA)高十倍。孕烯醇酮在血液中以遊離孕烯醇酮和更穩定的孕烯醇酮硫酸鹽形式存在。
• 孕烯醇酮是適合所有年齡層男性和女性的補充劑。
• 孕烯醇酮具有令人印象深刻的毒性水平,並且對人類使用是安全的。
• 若您正在補充DHEA,請勿使用孕烯醇酮。
• 如果您患有癲癇症,請勿使用,因為孕烯醇酮可以抑制 GABA 活性,導致中樞神經系統活動增加,可能導致癲癇患者癲癇發作。
Suggested Use
Apply one full press of the pump once a day as needed. Rotate application each time between chest, abdomen, inner arms or thighs. Use once a day for a maximum of 25 consecutive days. Resume after a five-day break.

Personal Care Shipping
Australia – Aus Post
- Standard Delivery
- 3-7 business days
- Typically dispatched within 24 hours
- Free shipping on all orders over $80
- $15 for orders under $80.00
- Track your parcel via Australia Post eParcel
New Zealand – Aus Post
- Express Delivery
- 3-7 business days
- Typically dispatched within 24 hours
- Free shipping on all orders over $80
- $20 for orders under $80.00 for the first 2kg
- Track your parcel via NZ Post
CHANGE OF MIND – if you made a purchase and received a product that you have since changed your mind on, we will gladly arrange a full refund, credit to your account or provide an exchange for another product. Alternatively, this also applies if you have incorrectly ordered an unexpected product. The refund will only be granted when returned within 30 days of the purchase date and the goods must be unused and in its original packaging. Simply contact us to arrange a return shipping label to you or you can opt to pay for return postage to us (non-refundable). A $12 return shipping fee will
DEFECTIVE GOODS – if the product you have received is either faulty, unsealed or damaged, please lodge a claim with one of our friendly customer service representatives via phone, email, or our website within 30 days of the purchase date to be eligible for a replacement or a refund. Depending on the claim we may require evidence of the defect via email or post. Goods will be replaced with the same item originally purchased, or you can opt to return the faulty item(s) and receive a full refund. A return shipping label will be supplied at no extra cost to you.
*The guarantee is only valid if the above conditions and stipulations are met and agreed upon. This is put in place to protect the business from potentially fraudulent activity. The 100% Money Back Guarantee excludes all HairMax Laser Devices.
For more information please visit our Returns Page.