Desert Harvest - 鈣和維生素 D3 含超強蘆薈(90 粒)
with Super Strength Aloe Vera
鈣和維生素 D3 對於健康的骨骼、牙齒、心臟、神經、肌肉、免疫系統和細胞生長至關重要。最近的研究表明,患有自體免疫疾病(類風濕性關節炎、紅斑性狼瘡、硬皮症)和纖維肌痛的人通常缺乏鈣和維生素 D3。
鈣是一種酸還原劑,可去除食物和飲料中高達 95% 的酸,有助於減少酸性食物和飲料引起的消化不適、膀胱刺激和疼痛。
維生素 D3 協同作用,可增強鈣的吸收,是調節體內礦物質鈣和磷所必需的。它還在維持適當的骨骼結構方面發揮著重要作用,也用於治療骨骼脆弱(骨質疏鬆症)、骨痛(骨軟化症)、預防跌倒和骨折以及牙齒和牙齦疾病
作為均衡飲食的一部分,一生中進行體力活動以及攝取充足的鈣和維生素 D3 可以降低骨質疏鬆症的風險。
有些人使用維生素 D 來治療皮膚病,包括白斑症、硬皮症、牛皮癬、光化性角化症和尋常性狼瘡。
所有 Desert Harvest 營養補充品均使用經 Kosher 認證的素食/純素膠囊,並由 100% 天然植物源材料製成。所有 Desert Harvest 食品補充劑均適用於 IC/BPS、無麩質、不含防腐劑、不含澱粉、非基因改造且不含常見過敏原。我們嚴格遵循良好生產規範並符合 cGMP。
- 鈣對於健康的骨骼、心臟、神經、肌肉、免疫系統和細胞生長至關重要
- 維生素D3協同作用,增強鈣的吸收
- 維生素 D 用於治療心臟和血管疾病、高血壓、高膽固醇
- 常補充維生素 D 來治療肥胖、肌肉無力和類風濕性關節炎
- 維生素 D 有助於調節低鈣水平,從而治療副甲狀腺功能減退症和假性副甲狀腺功能減退症
- 維生素 D 用於治療皮膚病;白斑症、硬皮症、牛皮癬、尋常性狼瘡
- 作為膳食補充劑,每天兩次服用兩粒膠囊,或按照合格醫療保健提供者的指示服用
原料每份(2 粒膠囊)含有 500 毫克碳酸鈣(一種地球礦物質)、200 IU 維生素 D3、40 毫克蘆薈粉和 3 毫克乾燥劑二氧化矽(一種天然存在的地球礦物質)
Suggested Use
Each serving (2 capsules) contains 500 mg of calcium carbonate (an earth mineral), 200 IU of Vitamin D3, 40 mg of aloe vera powder, and 3 mg of silicon dioxide as a drying agent (a naturally occurring earth mineral)

沙漠收穫如何支持 IC/BPS 社群。繼續閱讀以了解...


用於 IC / BPS 的 Desert Harvest 蘆薈
Desert Harvest 是第一家發現間質性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛症候群 (IC/BPS)(膀胱黏膜下層和肌肉層的慢性發炎)與緩解症狀益處之間存在關聯的公司。
Australia – Aus Post
- Standard Delivery
- 3-7 business days
- Typically dispatched within 24 hours
- Free shipping on all orders over $80
- $15 for orders under $80.00
- Track your parcel via Australia Post eParcel
New Zealand – Aus Post
- Express Delivery
- 3-7 business days
- Typically dispatched within 24 hours
- Free shipping on all orders over $80
- $20 for orders under $80.00 for the first 2kg
- Track your parcel via NZ Post
CHANGE OF MIND – if you made a purchase and received a product that you have since changed your mind on, we will gladly arrange a full refund, credit to your account or provide an exchange for another product. Alternatively, this also applies if you have incorrectly ordered an unexpected product. The refund will only be granted when returned within 30 days of the purchase date and the goods must be unused and in its original packaging. Simply contact us to arrange a return shipping label to you or you can opt to pay for return postage to us (non-refundable). A $12 return shipping fee will
DEFECTIVE GOODS – if the product you have received is either faulty, unsealed or damaged, please lodge a claim with one of our friendly customer service representatives via phone, email, or our website within 30 days of the purchase date to be eligible for a replacement or a refund. Depending on the claim we may require evidence of the defect via email or post. Goods will be replaced with the same item originally purchased, or you can opt to return the faulty item(s) and receive a full refund. A return shipping label will be supplied at no extra cost to you.
*The guarantee is only valid if the above conditions and stipulations are met and agreed upon. This is put in place to protect the business from potentially fraudulent activity. The 100% Money Back Guarantee excludes all HairMax Laser Devices.
For more information please visit our Returns Page.