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Surprising Benefits of CoQ10

Surprising Benefits of CoQ10

CoQ10 has become an increasingly popular food supplement in recent times and has been cited as a useful tool to help slow the ageing process. As with any dietary supplement, however, it is imperative that you understand exactly what CoQ10 is and what it can do for you. This quick guide will answer all of your key questions on the topic, such as;

  • What is CoQ10?
  • Who can use CoQ10?
  • What are the benefits of CoQ10?
  • How should CoQ10 be taken?
  • When will noticeable results be seen?

What is CoQ10?

Coenzyme Q10, often known simply as CoQ10, is a naturally-occurring nutrient-like vitamin that is found within every cell of the body and is used for growth and maintenance. It is stored in the mitochondria of cells and is responsible for generating energy from the cells.

While it is primarily found in various foods, including meats, you would need to consume vast volumes to see any noticeable difference. As such, a growing number of people have turned their attention to CoQ10 supplements.

Who can take CoQ10 and how?

Supplements containing CoQ10 are designed for adults, although some children may take them under medical supervision for certain conditions. Adults should take between 30 and 200mg daily with many finding that 100mg is the perfect amount for their intended use. It is particularly useful for people who have a known CoQ10 deficiency.

To ensure optimal CoQ10 levels, many people choose to take CoQ10 supplements. These supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, softgels, chewable tablets, gummies and liquids. For the best results, the daily supplement should be consumed at around the same time each day. CoQ10 is also certified as a gluten-free product with no known allergens, thus making it safe for virtually everyone.

The benefits of CoQ10

Boosted coenzyme Q10 levels are primarily considered to be a great way to ensure that energy can be generated by the cells as you get older. 

However, it’s not simply a case of providing daily maintenance for organs like the heart and kidneys, which have high concentrations of CoQ10 or correcting a known deficiency. Here are some of the additional benefits that may be found.

Fight skin ageing

CoQ10 isn’t only great for boosting your energy levels and making you feel younger by protecting your general organ health. It can also make you look visibly younger. The skin is the largest organ of the body and cellular damage is a key component of ageing.

The fact that the visible ageing of your skin runs parallel to natural CoQ10 reduction says it all. Thanks to its antioxidant protection, liquid CoQ10 can be applied directly to the skin to reduce ageing. Or consuming other forms of CoQ10 offers internal support to skin cells.

Help treat heart failure

The links between CoQ10 and heart health have been evidenced in several areas. It has been shown to reduce the threat of subsequent heart attacks in patients who start taking them after their first heart attack. It has also been linked to fighting heart failure.

In this case, CoQ10 is used in conjunction with more traditional medications but is shown to support healthy heart function, thus enabling blood to be pumped around the body. This may subsequently aid lung performance and promote easier breathing.

Lower your blood pressure

High blood pressure is closely connected to heart health but can also be attributed to kidney failure and thyroid problems, alongside a host of other issues. CoQ10 is shown to help stabilize blood pressure when used with other measures.

As well as blood pressure, the supplement can support improved blood sugar levels, which makes it a great tool for fighting diabetes. Aside from preventing cell damage, it reduces the risk of insulin resistance caused by abnormal mitochondrial function.

Boost fertility

Fertility reduces with age as women produce fewer eggs, as well as a higher percentage of eggs that have become unfertilizable due to cell damage. CoQ10 helps protect the eggs in later life, thus supporting both the quality and quantity of eggs.

Studies into the impact of CoQ10 on sperm counts and quality has also shown positive correlations, ensuring that the supplement can be seen as a way to fight male infertility. Sperm activity is also increased by the added antioxidant protection.

Aid athletic performance

CoQ10 plays a key role in generating energy in every cell of the body. So, it should be no surprise to learn that it can aid athletic performance. When the muscles have more energy, they are able to retain power and help delay the onset of fatigue.

Notably, it is shown that abnormal mitochondrial function reduces muscle energy too. When combined with the reduced oxidative stress that occurs after taking CoQ10 supplements, performance levels can improve for any athlete with naturally low-occurring coenzyme.

Proposed additional benefits

Research into other proposed benefits and interactions continues to unlock new developments. Some of the areas where a correlation has been shown include but are not limited to;

  • CoQ10 may reduce the risk of cancer as reduced oxidative stress decreases the likelihood of cell structures changing,
  • It may also prevent migraines and reduce the severity of headaches,
  • Muscle weakness and other symptoms linked to taking statins is also shown to be far less when a person used CoQ10 boosters.


CoQ10 is a remarkable compound that offers numerous health benefits. From boosting energy levels to supporting heart and brain health, CoQ10 plays a vital role in maintaining overall well-being. Whether obtained through diet or supplements, incorporating CoQ10 into your routine can be a valuable addition to your health regimen.

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